- French casino announces drive and play format
From G3 News Wire – read the original article
Drive-In is not something new in the U.S., but the French may have added a bit of refinement to the business.
The La Grande Motte Casino will start, by January, 2021, to allow customers to arrive by car, park nearby unique access tents filled with slot-machines and other typical casino games. An interesting solution for an ongoing problem: keeping players safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Here in the US there initiatives like that have been helping charities keep their fundings coming through Drive-In Bingo. Although we don’t claim to have invented the thing, here at BingoMeNow!!™ we are proud to have helped quite a few bingos to keep playing despite the Health Department safety regulations.
BingoMeNow!!™ can help charities organize drive-in format bingo games with our unique, player focused, Bingo ordering App.
Here’s a brief description of how a drive-in Bingo works:
- Start with BingoMeNow!!™
- Bingo Halls / Charities sign in with BingoMeNow!!™ for free
- Our support staff will help setup the Bingo in the App
- Bingo Hall signs in to a payment processor (if Bingo Hall does not have one, we got that covered)
- Players purchase
- Players are shown to download the App
- Players order their Bingo packages, paper and even electronics online
- Players pay in advance with either Credit or Debit cards
- Run the game
- Players arrive at the hall and get their pre-packaged games in the entrance
- The Hall / Charity runs the game via Google Meets, Facebook Live, Youtube or Zoom broadcasts
- Players will play in their cars and honk when they Bingo!
If you’re interested in running drive-in Bingo on your local Bingo Hall, please contact us.
We’re here to help!
- Start with BingoMeNow!!™
- COVID pushes cashless payment technology forward
Credit and debit cards have been around for a while now, but today’s market encompass so many options it may be hard to find the best one.
With major tech giants like Apple and Google dominating the mobile phones market and introducing their own virtual wallet systems users can no longer be indifferent to the ease of use and flexibility of cashless payment systems.
Bingos are no different. Any location that features a cashless payment system for Bingo gains immediate advantage over its competitors.
This month’s issue of Casino Journal features a panorama of the cashless options for the gambling industry. Read the full article here. Or continue down to understand how can charity related Bingo turn cashless.
BingoMeNow!!™ is a mobile app designed to connect players to their favorite Bingo locations. But it does so much more!
While targeted at players, the BingoMeNow!!™ App offers bingo locations a full set of features to help them increase their business without ever stepping outside of their comfort zone.
In order to implement a cashless payment system for Bingo R66 Solutions, the company behind BingoMeNow!!™ is ready with several solutions for an easy and seamless transition.
If you’re a Bingo Manager or member of a Charity that does fundraising through Bingo, contact us now and step into the future with our help.