Before creating a promotion a promotional item must be created. That’s the item that will be placed in the users shopping cart upon activation of the discount code.
Step #1: Create a Promotional Item
A promotional item must be created. If you are giving away a Buy-In, for example, a specific buy-in item must be created with zero value so that it will be added to the player’s shopping cart but will not add towards the total amount to be payed.
If you want to give a monetary discount that will be defined later on the Promotions section, here’s how to do it: in your main menu, create a new Complex Item and fill it exactly like the image.

Type in the Name and Description of your promotional item.
The name serves to identify the item on the menu and on the promotion screen.
The description used here will be displayed in the player’s coupon area on the App.
For this example we will be using First Order Discount for the name and A discount on your first order for the description.
Min / Max: leave default
Price Calculation: use VALUE VOUCHER
PLU/POS Code: You can use a code here to track usage on the reports, or if you’re using any POS integration.
Price: Leave at 0 (zero)
Hit the green OK mark and your complex item coupon is ready. Time to move to the next step.
Step #2: Create and Activate a Promotion
To create a discount code you must head to the Promotions area of your enterprise.

Promotions are made of two parts: a trigger and an offer. Here’s how to configure both:

Fill in the fields accordingly:
Title: The title of your promotion, this will be displayed in the user’s coupons area.
Description: The description will be displayed in the user’s coupons area.
Key / CSS Class: You can live this blank.
Active: YES
Start / End: That’s the period on which the trigger will be allowed to be active. After that period no new coupons will be attributed, but the already available ones will still be valid and usable by the players.
User trigger limit: How many times a single user (a single e-mail address) is allowed to trigger this promotion. Leave 0 (zero) for unlimited (not recommended).
General trigger limit: How many times this promotion can be activated, regardless of who’s activating it. Leave 0 (zero) for unlimited.
Trigger Tyme: use CODE
Promotional code: this is the word you want to use to activate the promotion. Users will be required to enter that specific word upon redeeming the code.
This is what will be given to the customer upon code activation. In this scenario we are giving the user a specific item, named First Order Discount, that we have created in the first step.
Start / End: That’s the period on which the offer will be available to players, once activated. After that period any unused coupons will be removed.
Allow accumulate with other offers: YES. This allows for this coupon to be used alongside others on the same purchase.
Offer type: use VALUE
Value offered: The amount attributed to the coupon. It is possible to have multiple promotions activte using the same item, but with different values.
Item: Selected the item created in the first step.
After all the configurations are made, hit save button to conclude the operation. The new promotion will be displayed in the promotions area.

Click on the promotion to edit it’s details and to view which users have already activated their offers.

You are done! Give the code created to your customers and they can use that to activate the coupon and get their offer.