Any player is allowed to navigate the menus and reach the shopping cart, but in order to purchase he/she must have an account with BingoMeNow!!. If the user is not logged in, at the moment he/she clicks Checkout the Start Session screen will be displayed:
In the top part of this screen there are the social network sign-in buttons. They will connect the user’s social network with BingoMeNow!! using the player’s registered e-mail address.
If the user does not want to connect his social network account or doesn’t own one, he/she must then fill in the desired e-mail address and hit Confirm.
The next screen will request user to fill-in his/her name and assign a password to the account.
After the account is created the user will be automatically logged in and the purchasing process will move on to the payment methods selection.
Also, an email will be sent to the player informing him of the creation of his new account with a confirmation link. It is important that the player finalises the sign-in process by clicking this confirmation.
Players that do not confirm their email address will not be able to make a second purchase later.